CT: Potential Expansion of Anti-Harassment Training Requirements

In one of its first sessions of the year, the Connecticut General Assembly was presented with Governor’s Bill 5043, which would increase workplace anti-harassment training requirements. Under the proposed legislation, the number of employers who must provide anti-harassment training will increase, changing the minimum number of employees from 50 to 15.

All employees would be required to participate in two hours of “awareness and anti-harassment compliance training”, which must be updated every five years.

Regarding the training, the Connecticut Employment Law Blog says:

The training would also be required to include information about the employer’s policy against harassment, examples of the types of conduct that constitute and do not constitute harassment, strategies to prevent harassment, bystander intervention training and a discussion of “workplace civility” that shall include what is acceptable and expected behavior in the workplace.

Additionally, the bill would require employers with three or more employees to continue to post information on harassment and to “directly communicate such information and remedies to employees on an annual basis”.

For more information on Governor’s Bill 5043, please click here.

ct state capital


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