Workplace Conflict Management & Resolution Training

All workplaces and the teams within them will experience some level of conflict at some point – often during times of change or difficulty. How teams manage through this conflict and deescalate emotionally charged events are key drivers in maintaining effectiveness and productivity.

In this dynamic and interactive course, participants will build the skills needed to become an effective conflict resolver and mediator while recognizing conflict patterns and triggers that escalate conflict in others. These skills will help participants work more productively and harmoniously with clients, colleagues, direct reports, and management.


This practical, workshop-style course will include a blend of lecture, group discussion, and interactive exercises, covering:

  • Approaches for reducing conflict escalation and providing constructive feedback during a conflict-fueled event.
  • Methods to identify contributors and indicators of workplace conflict.
  • Basic behavioral styles and how to adjust to meet the communication approaches of each.
  • Active listening tactics that will improve quality of communication.
  • Strategies designed to resolve problems quickly.
  • Techniques that reduce stress and improve emotional balance in the workplace.
  • Unique challenges and struggles your organization is facing.

This course can be delivered in a group environment or via a one-on-one training event. All content is fully customizable to address the unique needs of your organization.

For more information about how we can educate your teams on best practices for resolving workplace conflict, contact us at or (800) 307-5513.