Anger Management

In a workplace environment, emotions and passions can often be heightened, including anger.

This customized, interactive one-on-one training session is designed to provide the participant with the knowledge, strategies, tools, and approaches needed to work more cohesively with the many different backgrounds (racial, gender, generational, etc.) represented in the workplace while managing inflamed emotions.

Through open and candid discussion, the trainer and participant will explore and assess the student’s past actions, triggers, and behavioral impact to prevent future incidents of behavioral improprieties while developing move forward strategies for successful change.

Our specialized trainers will also review prior behaviors with the participant, providing the education and strategies necessary to positively change the individual’s workplace style on an immediate, go forward basis.


The content of this course will include interactive, work-shop style activities while covering:

  • The impact heightened emotions, including anger, have on workplace environments. This includes individual and employer liability when behavior falls under the legal definition of workplace harassment.
  • Specific situations and issues they have experienced that led to their participation in this session, while identifying techniques for controlling and shifting emotions.
  • Identification of triggers and issue areas, including real life situations in the participant’s workplace.
  • Overviews of federal, state, and local laws surrounding workplace discrimination and harassment, including a review of protected classes and enforcement agencies.
  • The different types of harassment and how to recognize each.
  • The Reasonable Person Standard and intent vs. perception.
  • Actions and behaviors which are classified as workplace harassment, and why they must be avoided.
  • Retaliation and protections given to those who report negative incidents and / or cooperate with an investigation.
  • Strategies to foster workplace collaboration.
  • Methods to establish a foundation of trust across all team members.
  • Negative impacts tied to unconscious bias and stereotyping by age race, gender identity, and other protected classes.

This session can be delivered both in an in-person and web-based training format. As needed, follow-up courses and check-in coaching sessions are available.

For more information about this course or to schedule a coaching session, contact us at or (800) 307-5513.