Communicating with Empathy & Compassion

Communication strategies and approaches grounded in empathy and compassion are better received and lead to desired outcomes more often than those which are not. This course will provide participants with the strategies, tactics, and tools needed to communicate with others more effectively without compromising the message’s intent, content, and end-goal.


This interactive course will employ lecture, group discussion, and workshop-style exercises designed to educate participants about:

  • Why communicating with empathy and compassion is critical to successfully navigating today’s environment of conflict, social unrest, and economic uncertainty.
  • The connection between communication style and the recipient’s reaction and subsequent behavior.
  • Tools and approaches that will enable participants to improve self-management and self-control while also focusing on self-care.
  • The importance of calling upon emotional intelligence to best manage and approach conversations and interactions with others.
  • Emotions and how to positively manage them in a workplace environment.
  • Communication strategies that drive desired outcomes and results.
  • Strategies to successfully shift communication approaches to accommodate varying situations, communication preferences, and personality types.
  • Real world situations and communication challenges (as directed) impacting your immediate workplace.

This course can be delivered in a group environment or in a one-on-one coaching session. Course content is fully customizable based on your organization’s unique challenges and goals.

For more information or to schedule your training course, please contact us at or (800) 307-5513.